ITZ InnovationsTransfer Zentralschweiz is a non-profit association with about 200 members and is mandated by the six cantons of Central Switzerland to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs with the program "zentralschweiz innovativ". ITZ is the comprehensive platform and contact point in terms of innovation and supports innovations from all disciplines in their development and implementation. No matter whether it is a matter of new products, services, process improvements or business and organizational models. Within the framework of free coaching, ITZ clarifies your needs and then supports you in the implementation of your idea up to the marketable innovation. ITZ, a core member of the Innovation Park Central Switzerland, is committed on site in Rotkreuz with experienced
Innovation Coaches and actively shapes the initiative. The close cooperation creates a unique innovation network for the benefit of Central Switzerland as a business location.

Christian Lang

Managing Director

041 349 50 60