Pitch Jury Kickoff – 12.03.2021
Energy Lab Kickoff - 29.01.2021
Presentation at this year's Joint Conference - 22.10.2020
Click here for the Energy Lab. presentation
Energy Lab. Update and Ideation Workshop - 26.06.2020
- – sustainable bitumen production
- – the development of an energy concept for a modular, midsize district
- – a prosumer-driven energy market
Energy Lab. Update and Ideation Workshop
– General update on the Energy Lab. (Vision, Mission, Organisation, NTN application, ongoing projects)
– Development of our innovation competence based on examples.
– Edit 3 New Challenges. We are looking forward to an active participation! Further information here.
New Website and Newsletter for the Energy Lab.
The new Energy Lab. Website is now up and running. Here we will inform about the current activities and projects. We are also launching a newsletter to keep you all even better informed. Off we go!
4th Energy Lab. Workshop
14.02. 2020
The workshop was primarily dedicated to the following topics:
–The final training and discussions on the «continuous process consisting of the design thinking and ideation principles.
–Writing the proposal in the afternoon in a dynamic and agile process with 8 persons, writing and reviewing in parallel.
The initially planned bi-monthly workshops were stopped as the COVID pandemic would not allow longer meetings and travelling which is essential for such creative processes. Thanks to the initiative of the community we met regularly and prepared the next workshop for June 26th.

3rd Energy Lab. Workshop
Our first workshop with real pitches. With support from the company Creaholic and Inventor legend, Elmar Mock, we trained on how to pitch real challenges of companies and how to find the team that may continue with the projects. From the four projects that were presented two were finally followed up with:
–Gjosa SA, to develop an energy and resource efficient shower head for professional hair salons. –FEA the Association professionnelle des appareils électriques pour les ménages et l’industrie suisse, to develop a program for replacement of energy inefficient domestic appliances.
2nd Energy Lab. Workshop
19. 12. 2019
After activation of most relevant universities and research groups in Switzerland which are working on energy questions we organized the first “official” large workshop. Main topics that were discussed and decided on:
–The what, why and how?
–Energy questions are not reasonable to limit to a certain very narrow filed. We believe in diversity, in interdisciplinary work and in new opportunities due to a mix of experts from different companies and research institutions.
–We will start with the fields of energy and sustainability, energy systems, energy and buildings, energy and digitalization.
–We decided that the ecosystem already is strong enough to lift the energy lab, with or without funding. We believed in our capability to create relevant projects with the existing funding schemes of Innosuisse and SFOE.

1st Energy Lab. Workshop
06. 12. 2019
This workshop was the first workshop with a limited number of persons. We developed our principles:
–Climate change is directly connected to “energy”. The topic is too important for our world and economy to not be considered in an NTN
–We do not want to create one more research program. Let us work bottom-up. The topics must come from implementation partners. Research will support.
–Our vison: We are part of the solution and not part of the problem.
–Let us be modern, agile, gender equal, holocratic. It shall be active, serious and we want to have fun as most of our activities will be pro bono. Let us work on topics with impact and business relevance. We realize that somebody has to profit in order to move a project forward.