Discover the interactive co-creation platform for our Innovation Community.
Jointcreate is the platform for our community to make Open Innovation a success. We put your project idea in the spotlight and connect you with experts to realize your project idea together with you. In addition, you have the opportunity to submit your idea to a call for proposals. In the Message Stream you will receive all the latest information on new projects, calls, posts and community activities.
Discover the platform and register to become a more active part of the community.
Project News.
- September 2021: Jointcreate will be supported by AI in the future! We are developing a recommender system together with HSLU Informatik.
- September 2021: Our student team has produced a valuable project paper for our business plan.
- July 2021: We receive the second tranche of funding from the Zurich Metropolitan Conference and are allowed to present the project result.
- April 2021: We close the first project phase and look proudly on an active community and great platform
- March 2021: NTN Innovation Booster Block Chain Nation Switzerland is launched on jointcreate.com
- January 2021: NTN Innovation Booster Energy Lab becomes the first large community on jointcreate.com
- January 2021: The platform goes live! Visit www.jointcreate.com
- December 2020: The test operation is in full swing. The project team meets regularly to discuss the current status and further steps.
- November 25, 2020: In a workshop, the needs of representatives of the public sector were collected and the platform was presented.
- November 19, 2020: Test operation has begun. The project team and a selected group of test persons continuously test the platform and its functions and provide valuable feedback for further development.
- November 06, 2020: The platform and its functions are taking more and more shape. The circle of partners is constantly expanding.
- September 16, 2020: We already have CHF 31,500 pledges for third-party funding.
- August 15, 2020: We already have CHF 25,000 pledged for third-party funding!
- July 22, 2020: We have secured the domains www.jointcreate.com, www.jointcreate.ch and www.jointcreate.org
- July 10, 2020: The front end enters the design phase.
- July 2, 2020: The Metropolitan Conference has pledged CHF 50,000 in funding. A further CHF 50,000 will be contributed if third-party funds are raised in the same amount.
jointcreate impressions.
What was the initial situation?
Many innovative companies and institutions enrich the Swiss economic area and contribute to Switzerland's first place in the innovation ranking of the Global Innovation Index. In order to maintain this top position and create added value for a global society, cross-organizational innovation is becoming increasingly important. The increase in complexity and speed as well as rapid technological change make this essential.
Switzerland already has a comprehensive innovation ecosystem. We have ten universities, two ETHs, various universities of applied sciences and other private research institutions that collaborate intensively with business. This ecosystem was further expanded by the creation of Switzerland Innovation with the regional innovation parks. At the moment, the innovation infrastructure is strongly focused on "hardware" - buildings, laboratories and other innovation-promoting infrastructure. An integral, digital and open portal for digital networking and collaboration is missing. We want to change this and digitally expand the Swiss innovation infrastructure with an open Joint Innovation Portal.
What are our goals?
- Development of a cloud-based community platform that unites all innovation actors.
- People, projects, tenders, institution and events are connected digitally beyond their existing boundaries in a faster and targeted way. The platform does not replace physical collaboration, but extends it.
- The platform makes it possible to present people, projects, organizations and events related to Joint Innovation in an attractive and interactive way.
- The platform enables the identification of common challenges and equips them with resources.
- The platform enables Joint Innovation projects to be guided through the various phases of the innovation process - always tailored to the needs of the users.
Outlook and Next Steps.
Joint us today!
Contacts. Adrian Bachhofen VRP bbv Group AG
+41 41 429 01 12
Sem Mattli
Switzerland Innovation Park Central
+41 41 531 13 21
Project Team
Sem Mattli
Innovation Park Central Switzerland
Adrian Bachofen
bbv Software Services AG
Alexander Steinecker
Reto Largo
NEST / Empa
Michele Kellerhals
Lucerne University